Aquametrics conducts audits across the full water cycle.
An audit is a diagnostic tool developed by Aquametrics to benchmark water & energy consumption and identify water and wastewater operational issues:
We collect historical data and carry out on-site measurements to identify optimisation opportunities.
We make recommendations to the client to improve water and energy efficiency.
We prepare recommendations on potential water & energy savings and operational improvements including investment, operating costs and payback.
What’s covered?
Operational performance
What can you expect?
We support industrial customers in delivering water and energy efficiencies
We carry out audits that cover the full water cycle from intake, utility and process water to wastewater
We work with you to evaluate your current water and wastewater operation, to identify inefficiencies, to determine relevant and realistic improvement targets
We develop plans to achieve these targets and we prioritize actions based on operational impact, costs, payback and implementation complexity
We support you in implementing the improvement plans
We support your operation
We provide training to your operators
We facilitate external financing for capital upgrade
We help you navigate regulations
Lower operating costs
Lower water consumption and reduced water footprint
Discharge compliance
Legionella control
Deferred capital investments
Lower energy usage and CO2 emissions, reduced carbon footprint
Making the site water supply more sustainable
Alternative energy production for use on site or for third party sale
Improved visibility on long term site water costs
Access to energy saving certificates (country specific)
Our approach
We generally suggest a 3 phase approach in order to ensure full alignment with the client, starting with an initial evaluation of opportunities to supporting the delivery of the improvement plan.
Phase 1
Phase 1 consists of an initial evaluation of opportunities, including data collection, site visit, recommendations for additional instrumentation if required and reporting. Opportunities will be ranked based on impact and implementation complexities.
Phase 2
Phase 2 builds on phase 1 recommendations and focuses on opportunities selected by the client. These will be subject to a detailed investigation in order to confirm the conclusion from phase 1 and fine tune the capex, opex, savings and payback.
Phase 3
Phase 3 consists of the delivery of the improvement plan and of the efficiencies confirmed in phase 2. Aquametrics has years of experience in delivering new water projects and upgrade and can support the plan implementation.